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Query Builder for Maryland Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) Data - Physical Activity Categories, 2011

  • Select the percentage to calculate.

  • Select geographic area(s) (respondent's residence). (Default is all Maryland counties.) Use these selections to filter the dataset to an area (or leave the data unfiltered for statewide results), and to select which type of geography you want to use for stratification of your results when you select "geography" in the last step, "How to display the data."

  • First choose a coding scheme to use for age groups. (Default includes ages 18 years and older, in 4 age categories) Use these selections to filter the dataset to an age group (or leave the data unfiltered for statewide results), and to select which coding scheme for age group you want to use for stratification of your results when you select "Age group" in the last step, "How to display the data."

  • Select Race/Ethnicity Categories. (Default is all categories.) Use these selections to filter the dataset to specific Race/Ethnicity categories to select which Race Ethnicity categories you want to use for stratification of your results when you select "Race/Ethnicity" in the last step, "How to display the data."

  • Would you like to include only males or only females in the results? Default includes all data records.

  • Select Income Categories. (Default is all categories.) Use these selections to filter the dataset to an area and to select which Income categories you want to use for stratification of your results when you select "Income" in the last step, "How to display the data."

  • Select Employment Status Categories. (Default is all categories.) Use these selections to filter the dataset to an area and to select which Employment Status categories you want to use for stratification of your results when you select "Employment Status" in the last step, "How to display the data."

  • Make selections here to filter the dataset to a sub-population. (Default includes ALL SURVEY RESPONDENTS) For statewide analyses, leave boxes unchecked. To group your results by these variables, select them in the last step, "How to display the data."

    • Select marital status categories. (Default includes ALL)

    • Select education level category(ies). (Default includes ALL)

  • Select one of the following indicators only if you plan to display your results by this indicator. Default is None. No BRFSS indicator selected

Content updated: Sun, 17 Sep 2023 11:35:34 EDT