Query Builder for Maryland Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) Data - Use of Tobacco Products Other Than Cigarettes, Cigars, or Chewing tobacco, Age-Adjusted, 2018
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, Maryland Department of Health, 201 W. Preston Street, #306-J, Baltimore, MD 21201-2399. Telephone: 443-388-6740 Email: mdh.brfss@maryland.gov
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Include the following disclaimer on any reports or publications using Maryland data, if applicable:
This publication utilizes data provided by the Maryland Department of Health, (Maryland BRFSS or Maryland YRBS/YTS); collected under guidance of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; and analyzed by [INSERT YOUR NAME OR ORGANIZATION HERE]. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Maryland Department of Health.
Include the following citation on any reports or publications using Maryland data, when applicable:
[INSERT YEARS USED HERE] (Maryland BRFSS or Maryland YRBS/YTS) accessed at ibis.health.maryland.gov on [INSERT DATE ACCESSED].